Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Has witch-hunting occurred in modern politics since McCarthy?

explain please

thankk you in advance! :)Has witch-hunting occurred in modern politics since McCarthy?
~Hmmm, there were the long-haired hippy pinko commie freaks of the sixties, and today those ragheads and camel jockeys are all closet terrorists to the extent that we would actually applaud passage of something as repressive as the Patriot Act. God forbid a gay person should run for political office, or, worse still, ask to be treated as an equal and be given equal protection of the law and due process and civil rights. Hey, those Beaners jumping the river are probably after your job. too. Now that the Yellow Peril is under control, what do we do about the Chinks?

Whenever an incompetent, inept politician is in trouble and needs votes, not to worry. He'll find a target. And as long as the bigotry is spewed from the pulpits, he'll have a ready audience. Maybe that's why the Kennedy boys jumped on the McCarthy bandwagon and did so much of the grunt work for Joe and HUAC.Has witch-hunting occurred in modern politics since McCarthy?
The Patriot Act has led to McCarthyism, this time against Muslims. The extreme right is trying very hard to purge politics of democrats and liberals. Conservative Christians are trying hard to purge those who don't think and believe as they do.

It's an ongoing battle here in the US, and we have to stay alert, aware and willing to battle against it.
You haven't heard of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or Ann Coulter, I see...

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