Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is the effect on over hunting and fishing?

The main problem is the fact that it is harder to catch or kill anything in an area or lake that has been over fished or had too much game killed on it. But the good news is that within 3 years of proper management the game and fish are as plentiful as ever.What is the effect on over hunting and fishing?
Over hunting can disturb an ecosystem's natural balance as there will be less animals that make it to maturity and less predators and more prey or more predators and less prey deppending on what species is hunted most. It is very detromental to the ecosystems and ruins hunting in the future for future genarations. The same is true with fishing but over fishing can afect the health of the whole lake and bacterial and algea groth depending on the fish species and its diet once again. Both are very bad for the environment and can ruin future fishing and hunting experiences for future genarations that will never get to experience what we ruin today.What is the effect on over hunting and fishing?
The effect of over hunting and over fishing will result in less and less stock.

Proper management--bag limits, close seasons, catch and release--will insure the future of the specie for our grandchildren to enjoy.
If you take to much fish or game there will be little left for future generations.
Over harvest.
you should try rewording ur question because i dont get it
Less game or less fish.
more meat, and you can have a gun with you! ;)
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