Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Would this be good for my mother-in-law to wear when i take her hunting this Fall

http://www.fantasycostumes.com/Merchant2…Would this be good for my mother-in-law to wear when i take her hunting this Fall
The only thing that's missing

is the bull's eye!

Thanks for the laugh this morning, Johnny,

I needed it!

maWould this be good for my mother-in-law to wear when i take her hunting this Fall
I was thinking along the lines of camoflage, myself.
How funny! Yep! But at least buy her one in Hunter's Orange so she has a chance! Thanks so much for the smile and have a great weekend! Annie
Perfect, absolutely perfect.
Yes... hahahahaha !!
Sure would! Would she like some company. My sister-in-law is available!
do u even like ur mother-in-law ?

how dare u dress her up like that

ure making up a joke or something ?

wanting to embarass her dude ?

aaargh ..
Sure, I guess...
LMFAO! Sounds about right to me!!!
Love it!!
Nah, just ask Dick Chenney to go along and be ready to duck! peace
bad boy!
thats a good idea lol
WOW .... if she dressed up like that ... my Uncle Stanley Stag would keep her plenty busy while you hunted in peace.

I want one to take my mil hunting in.....


just stand her in my back field for half an hour...


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